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The mission of the Nehemiah Program is to advance the progression of underserved, disenfranchised people and communities so that they have equal access to quality housing, mental health, and economic opportunities and resources that improve their ability to become an asset to themselves, their children, their future and the communities in which they exist.


We accomplish this goal by providing both direct and indirect wraparound supportive services with every program and service we provide in an effort to ensure that people are not lost in gaps and that the improvements that they gain are sustained for a  lifetime. We utilize the provision of affordable housing as the port of entry to our services and their success in every area of life (although we’ve adopted a “No wrong door approach”).

Since our inception in April 2011, we have become one of the most highly successful cost-effective housing solutions in the region. This success is due to creative, innovative and new partnerships that create a synergy for turning around lives and communities simultaneously.


Success is possible when stakeholders from every sector of a community comes together and leverage their time, talent, and resources. The Nehemiah Program is successful because we focus on people first, because we believe that everyone deserves a place to call home.

Home represents so much more for people than a place to simply sleep. It represents access and independence. It represents the American Dream, and the Nehemiah Program has made this possible for over 175 women. 

The program currently provides housing and wrap-around supportive services for low- to moderate-income individuals and families, seniors,  and/or those who are simply challenged to acquire rental or home ownership through traditional means.  We provide direct and in-direct services by assisting our clients with credit repair, subsidized rental assistance, home ownership training, and housing acquisition services. 

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